City of Austin Makes Progress in Furthering Bird-City Title
In 2023, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department named the city of Austin a Bird City based on the bird-friendly policies the city does have in place, such as limiting nonessential lighting during migration periods. But recently, the Environmental Commission voted to form a working group to begin defining how Austin can actually live up to the name beyond recommendations and a few policies.
Those in the working group, per an article by Austin Monitor, include: commissioners Jennifer Bristol, Peter Einhorn, Mariana Krueger and Dave Sullivan, and representatives of American Institute of Architects Austin chapter, Travis Audubon, the Design Commission and the Animal Advisory Commission.
Texas is behind when it comes to national rankings on safe development policies for birds, but this does represent an opportunity for the city of Austin to lead by example, based on where other cities have found success, and inspire our other large Texas cities to do the same.
For more information, click over to the Austin Monitor to read the full article.