landscape arKIDecture
On Friday, March 6th, Designer Vanessa Ngo from TBG’s Dallas studio was eager to return to her hometown of Rockport, Texas to participate in their annual Elementary School Career Day and teach kids about Landscape Architecture for the second year in a row. Here’s what she had to say about the experience.
“After participating in last year’s Career Day, let’s just say they were all happy I came back and were most excited about my segment – teachers included! The coolest thing were the trees that I made the night before. They demonstrated trees in plan-view when standing over them, elevation when they laid down on their tummies with their chins to the ground, and perspective when they stood and swayed their bodies from side to side. To demonstrate north arrows, they also casted shadows when I shut the lights off and shined a light on them.”
“Students’ jaws dropped when I showed them a 10-scale sidewalk and a 20-scale sidewalk and told them each were both 8 feet wide. Yes, they too enjoyed scale witchcraft!”
“All in all, it was another successful trip back home and joyful too. It’s always so inspiring and enlightening watching kids understand things on their own and prevailing with those loud ‘AH HA’ moments; it’s nostalgic.”
TBG Partners enjoys all opportunities to excite and educate students about landscape architecture – from college recruiting fairs to elementary school career days to special opportunities to teach in classrooms. Let’s all do our part to inspire the next generation of landscape architects!